My First Term At University (Blogmas Day Twelve)

by - 16:00

Hello you lovely lot!

So, I am coming in to my final week of being here at Uni before I go home for Christmas and through the ups and downs I have loved it.

I have had food stolen and bowls broken. I have also laughed till I've cried and leant on some of my flatmates for support.

Uni seems so scary, you're moving away from all your friends and family in to a flat with people you don't know, to a city you don't know and really, to a whole new life. I am lucky enough to have loved a University in the city that I lived in till I was 7 or 8 so I know where I am. I also think my Mum finds comfort in this because I can explain to her where I've been and she usually knows what I'm talking about! I can also visit my Grandma or my Cousins or even my Auntie and Uncle who live in Cheshire! I also know my way around Liverpool and feel safe here which I think really helps.

Even though our kitchen is usually vile and most of my flatmates are usually hungover. We do tend to get on very well. We can all have a laugh and watch a film together or we can all sit around and have a serious conversation. We've had our moments and big argument but I think that's just girls and it's bound to happen at some point! It's going to be odd not seeing them every day and walking in to the pitch black kitchen trying not to interrupt the film on the TV.

I have loved my course too and my teachers have been great! I study English Literature and Drama and they tend to overlap a lot! I love learning about all the different poets, authors and practitioners and even though waking up at 7am on a Thursday and 8am on a Monday isn't the best, it's worth it.

I miss my family quite a bit and I'm worried when I go home for Christmas I'll go back to feeling like I've just moved in. However, my homesickness is bearable and it makes coming home even better! I am so excited to go home and for my Dad to cook me food for a bit. I think my Mum will be quite shocked at how much I've changed. I now get why people leaving their plates everywhere annoys her and how much work she does! So thanks Mum, promise I'll help over Christmas!

I hope anyone else who went to University this September enjoyed it as much as I have!

Thanks For Reading!

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