Whoops? (Blogmas Day Twelve & Thirteen)

by - 01:02

Hello You Lovely Lot!

So...we can all see that i didn't post a Blogmas yesterday...not the day before. i won't lie to you all, the day before yesterday I was just about to fall asleep when I remembered and I just couldn't bring myself to get out of bed and write a post.

Yesterday I wasn't feeling too great so I just got in and ate a load of chocolate before going to bed. I'm not even sure what to write today, so maybe just a life update?

I'm no longer a Vegan! I'll write a whole blog post and do a YouTube video on it soon but now I'm just a vegetarian for now. Just know I'm really appreciating cheese and chocolate (and also Yorkshire puddings, had about half of one on Sunday.

It's only a few days until I finish for Christmas, in fact, tomorrow is my last day! I am coming back Saturday to get all my things but I'll be with dad so it won't really feel like coming back I guess. I'm so excited to be at home for Christmas. At the moment I just want to crawl in to my bed at home and only see my dogs and my parents. I have a trip to Chester Zoo planned with Melanie on the 28th so if that happens that'll be so nice! I haven't seen Melanie in a while and I feel like a catchup is needed.

I have one essay and one 'exam' left until I'm finished. The essay is nearly done with and the 'exam' is also sorted. It's just a Drama exam that isn't marked, it just determines if I'll be able to choose the module I'm doing next year.

I feel like I didn't give you a life update that long ago so I can't think of much else I have to tell you! But there'll be another post up tonight...I hope... for Blogmas day fourteen!

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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