December 2016 Playlist

by - 15:51

Hello You Lovely Lot!

Happy New Year! I can't believe I'm actually saying that, it's crazy to think that it's 2017. However, before I full move in to the New Year, I just want to savour 2016 for a little longer. These are my favourite blog posts to write just because music is so important to me. This month has been rough and I think this playlist reflects this. You can really tell a lot about how my month has gone by looking at my playlists. I have been doing these playlists for over a year now! If you're interested in what last years playlist looks like then it's this..

Everglow - A Head Full of Dreams - Coldplay
OMG - Get Weird - Little Mix
Grown - Get Weird - Little Mix
All I Want For Christmas is You - Christmas Hits - Mariah Carey
Last Christmas - Christmas Hits - Wham!
Merry Christmas Everyone - Christmas Hits - Shakin' Stevens
Jet Black Heart - Sounds Good Feels Good - 5SOS
Safety Pin - Sounds Good Feels Good - 5SOS
I Found A Girl - Wake Up - The Vamps
Million Words - Wake Up - The Vamps
Stolen Moments - Wake Up - The Vamps
Be With You - Wake Up - The Vamps
Do They Know It's Christmas (1984) - Do They Know It's Christmas? - Band Aid
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Power to the People
Santa Tell Me - Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande
Hands To Myself - Revival - Selena Gomez
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Christmas - Micheal Bublé
Waste The Night - Sounds Good Feels Good - 5SOS
Kaleidoscope - A Head Full of Dreams - Coldplay
Worry - Wake Up - The Vamps
Help! - 1 - The Beatles
Dirty Little Secret - Move Along - The All-American Rejects

My gosh that was a long playlist! Now we can move on to this years...

stay - the morning (all of the songs) - Lewis Watson

I went through a stage a while ago where I loved Lewis Watson and I went to see him live. Every now and then I listen to him and fall in love again and this is one of those times. This is a song I hadn't heard before and normally I just skip songs like that because I want to listen to the ones I know and love. However I left this on one day and I was blown away. I should expect nothing less from Lewis than beautiful lyrics, harmonies and songs in general.

Favourite Lyrics : 'I couldn't keep my eyelids shut, why can't you stay?'

Santa Tell Me - Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande

I should have known that this song would make it's way back. I think I found this song not last year but the year before and I just loved it. So the past two years I've loved it just as much. It's just so upbeat and I never usually like Ariana Grande but this is one song I will willingly listen to. It even came on whilst I was at work once and it was one of the best days, so there's something.

Favourite Lyric : 'I don't want no broken heart, this year I've got to be smart'

halo - the morning (all the songs) - Lewis Watson

This is another one I hadn't heard before this month but I am so glad I know it now. It is so beautiful. It's all about someone not knowing how brilliant they are. It makes my heart ache sometimes and sometimes it makes it soar. Either way it's a song that deserves so much more recognition than it deserves. I'm even crying now as I listen to it and type this. Ah, Lewis, never fails to make me bawl my eyes out, but we all know I love a sad song.

Favourite Lyric : "You know that if you keep this up you'll be more scars than skin'

Bohemian Warhols - Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia - The Dandy Warhols

I downloaded a playlist called 'Sing-Along Indie Hits' for whatever reason and this was on it. My Dad used to play this to me and I had forgotten how much I loved it. It's just SO catchy. This was a good part of my December which is why it's a bit more upbeat.

Favourite Lyric : "I'm getting wise and I'm feeling so bohemian like you'

Sheila - Panic Prevention - Jamie T

Another one from the Indie playlist. I'm sure I've heard this one before too but I have no dea where or when. I have fallen so in love with this song and I used to listen to it every single day when I walked back from Uni. I think it's just such an uplifting song even though the lyrics are really anything but uplifting really.

Favourite Lyric : 'Good heavens you boys, blue blooded murder of the English tongue'

Buck Rodgers - Echo Park - Feeder

My Dad got me back in to Feeder this month by playing some of their stuff whilst I was in the same room. I grew up listening to music like this and this was one of the songs I used to love so to finally have it again and be able to listen to it whenever I want is a godsend. This is the music I love deep down even though I love a bit of bubblegum pop (1D come back soon) I think that songs like this will always appeal to me

Favourite Lyric : 'Let's start over again, we'll grow ourselves new skin'

Just a Day - The Singles - Feeder

My Dad showed me the music video for this which was basically a load of fan videos put together and it was really entertaining. It's another song that I grew up listening to and I'm so happy to have in my life again. It's lovely to listen to songs that remind you of being a kid. I also feel like this is a song I could really dance around to if I wanted to, I wont. But I could

Favourite Lyric : "Feel my head explode from a night of Gin'

Don't Let it Break Your Heart - Mylo Xyloto - Coldplay

I find it so funny that I really used to dislike this album because I was a sucker for Coldplays sad songs (I mean I still am but I love this album too now). This month has been basically bad thing after bad thing but this song just pulled me up every single time. 2017 is about not letting anything break my heart, not a person, not an event, not a coursework mark. Nothing. Thanks Coldplay for your words of wisdom. A must hear for anyone who's feeling a bit low.

Favourite Lyric : 'Come on baby, don't let it break your heart'

Notice Me - Notice Me - Alli Simpson

Once upon a time I loved Cody Simpson and I eventually found his sister Alli. I don't like too many of her songs but this is one of the ones I really loved. It's basically about someone doing everything just to be noticed by someone. I mean, personally, don't agree with going to the ends of the earth just to get someone to give you the time of day, but the songs very catchy and lovely. This song makes me feel quite nostalgic too because I loved it a good few years ago!

Favourite Lyric : 'If these tears were gasoline I'd light a fire, make you notice me'

Happy Xmas (War Is Over) - Power To The People - John Lennon

Another one that's managed to sneak it's way back to the December playlist. This is possibly my favourite Christmas song ever so it doesn't surprise me that it's back. I think that this song is a Christmas song that makes you think. It's not all about how great Christmas is (although it is great), it's about what's going on whilst we open presents and eat loads of food. Such a powerful message from a powerful man.

Favourite Lyric : ' War is over, if you want it'

You're Alright Love - Bry - Bry

Bry sang this song for a vide once with the ever lovely Dodie Clark and I loved it so much. I was so annoyed that I had to be online to listen to it and I listened to it all the time. When I heard this version I was a bit unsure because the version on the YouTube video is a bit slower (and as we know, slow sad songs are what get me) but I've learnt to love the faster version too. The song is about his sister which I think warms my heart a little bit more

Favourite Lyric : 'Wait, tell me you're not good enough'

Details in the Fabric - We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. - Jason Mraz ft. James Morrison 

I think this song really sums up my month and I found it on a playlist called 'Life Sucks' funnily enough (would recommend that to anyone who feels sad or just likes sad songs). It starts off with a phone message and I have yet to decipher what it says but one day I'll work it out. I also don't know what it's about but what I get from one line which says 'Everything will be fine' is that it's about just carrying on and everything working itself out.

Favourite Lyric : 'If it's a broken part replace it, if it's a broken arm then brace it, if it's a broken heart then face it. Hold your own, know your name and go your own way'

So there you have it! What I've loved this month! I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe you've found some new favourite songs yourselves.

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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