Essays And Existential Crises (Blogmas Day Fourteen)

by - 06:34

Hello you lovely lot!

I have a 1500 word essay to write today. Send help.

I chose English Literature willingly so you'd think I would enjoy writing these kind of things! However, my attention span is that of a small toddler so I get distracted by anything and everything. A speck of dust, A YouTube video, the fact my room is a tip, the fact my life is a know, all the small things.

Once I actually start writing I get quite in to it and I find that I'm enjoying it! Usually though when I look back I find I've written a load of rubbish and have to edit it here there and everywhere. It seems crazy because I find it so easy to write things like that but maybe that's because I'm not having to write about eighteenth century poetry? I've loved doing Blogmas even though sometimes I forget till about 11:55pm and then I go in to a panic and post something really rubbish. I feel sorry for you guys!

Only ten days of Blogmas left though! The last post will be on Christmas Day which will probably just be a 'Merry Christmas' post but before that you can expect things like my December playlist and of course, the long awaited...December Favourites (*cheering*). They are without a doubt my favourite to write!

When I've finished this essay and am no longer having a mental breakdown every two seconds I presume my posts will get better because I don't really have anything to do once I've finished this! I have a lecture on Christmas on Thursday then we're having Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. Then I'm doing Secret Santa with my English friends then my flat mates! Then after that my flat is going out for Kayleigh's birthday (if I can finish this essay on time!). So Thursday is looking like the best day! I do have a class early Friday morning but you know, it's the last lesson before Christmas, am I going to be punished for missing it? I hope not! My Dad is coming to get me on Friday and then I'll be home for Christmas. I have already made a post about how excited I am but just know, I am super excited.

So, now I'm going to go back to writing more rubbish in an attempt to understand some poetry!

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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