REVIEW : NARS Sheer Glow Foundation
Hello You Lovely Lot!
Ok. As you can all see from the title of this post, I bought more makeup. I think I have a problem!
So last time I went on a night out my MAC foundation ran out on me so I endeavoured to buy a new one! However, once I saw that ASOS sold NARS and I knew I got student discount I decided to give Sheer Glow another try! A few years ago I bought Nars Sheer Glow. The woman that helped me gave me completely the wrong colour and I just think I didn't know enough about makeup yet because it just kept sliding off my face and nothing could stop it!
So I went to Harvey Nichols in Liverpool and was served by a lovely woman who helped me test out three different colours and spoke to me about my skin so that she knew what kind of thing I was looking for! If you're living in Liverpool then I would highly recommend Harvey Nichols because the woman was just so helpful and yes, I know that that's their job but bloody hell was she good at it! Eventually we decided that the right shade for me was Mont Blanc.
Apparently this is a highly popular shade (and is also the shade Zoella uses if anyone cares or thinks they might be similar skin tone to her...)
I wore this when my friend Amy came to stay (which I will write a whole other blog post on) and we went on a night out in Liverpool!
I'll save all the details for my next blog post but I put on my foundation, got my flat mate to do me a smokey eye *all hail Nicole* and voila (also wore lots of other makeup but nobody cares about that do they, lets be honest)! We went out around 1am and came back in at 5am but then I was too tired to take my makeup off so slept in it till about 2 then finally took it off at 3ish (how gross is that) so all in all I had it on for about 14 hours!
First of all it was super easy to apply. People say that Nars Sheers Glow can be hard to blend but I used a damp Real Techniques sponge and it worked a treat. I had my foundation on and blended in a couple of minutes! It felt super lightweight, the woman in Harvey Nichols told me that the creator of Nars wanted all the makeup to still look, and feel, like skin. I'm not so sure I can say that it looked like my own skin since my skin is all spotty and gross but it did feel lovely.
The coverage was great. I would say it's maybe better than MAC coverage? I couldn't see any redness or blemishes once I had it all on. As for lasting power, it stayed perfect until I took it off. I did even debate going out the next day with it still on because it looked fine but me and Amy decided that was a bit disgusting so I washed it all off. I did wear NARS Oil Free Primer with it and then Urban Decay setting spray on top so that also may have had something to do with it!
All in all I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a high end one. It is a bit more expensive than the MAC one but I think it's worth the price you pay. I think you kind of have to know what you're doing with this foundation because when i first bought it I'd only just got in to makeup properly, at that time I was just wearing foundation, mascara and eyeliner to school. When I used to wear it it was the wrong colour and just slid off my face. Now, I know all about the wonders of primer and setting spray! I've heard rumours that over time this foundation can change colour so I'll have to get back to you on that one as I've only had it for a few weeks now. I will most definitely be repurchasing this when it runs out if I have enough money, I am a student after all!
Thanks For Reading!
Becky x