A Doggy Photoshoot (Blogmas Day Three)

by - 15:11

Hello You Lovely Lot!

My mum turned 50 recently and it took her ages to decide what she wanted for her birthday but in the end she decided on a professional photoshoot for the dogs (don't laugh) so today we drove for an hour and a half which is a bit silly lets be honest to do it!

We got to his house in Lincolnshire somewhere and walked along to a massive field and he basically went mad! it all seemed a bit funny to begin with but after a while I started to really enjoy it! We love our dogs so much in this house and I was speaking to someone the other day about dogs dying and I genuinely know what I'm going to do. It's a while until that happens (*touchwood*) and so I don't have to think about it but I know that when that time comes I'll be so grateful for the photos!

We won't get the photos for a few days because he has to go through them and edit them all and then we choose which ones we want to buy but I honestly can't wait. Mum even forced me to get in one with Scooby and tried to make out that I was the one who wanted it (although secretly I think I did a bit) so I can't wait for that one to come out! However, on the Facebook page he did post one as a sneak-peak and it is just the CUTEST...

Dad said to me today that it is one of his favourite photos ever because Bonnie just looks so happy. When we first got Bonnie she was such a nervous dog and hated other humans but this photo just sums up how happy she is with us and it's amazing! 

The minute mum told me when they were having the photoshoot I knew I had to come home for it because I knew I would regret it massively if I didn't. I am so happy that I have been home for this weekend and even though I missed a few parties, family comes first.

Sorry that this has been a bit of a short one, but better short than not at all!

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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