One Month To Go (Blogmas Day Five)

by - 13:27

Hello You Lovely Lot!

I actually can't believe it's only one month till Christmas. How did we get this far this fast? I remember my birthday like it was yesterday. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year and I honestly can't wait but it just seems like it's coming up so fast.

It's only two weeks until I go back to Nottingham for Christmas and I feel like I only just got here and it's totally crazy. I'm up to my ears in work and Vlogmas and Blogmas and the days just seem to be flying by. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to go home for more than four days at time but it just seems so weird that I'm nearly at the end of my first term of my second year at Uni!

I've put up one Christmas Tree so far this year and it wasn't even mine. It was at my cousins house and we even had Christmas music on whilst we were doing it! I felt so Christmassy for that whole weekend and then as soon as I went back it all went. My parents wont let me put up our tree until not this weekend coming but the one after. I think the fact that I haven't been around any Christmas decorations is probably what is making me not feel festive enough. Normally I'm playing Christmas music in mid November!

We have my little cousins coming over for Christmas this year and I think that will make it so much more magical. Ella, who is 7, still believes in Santa and so i'm hoping some of that excitement will rub off on the rest of us!

I feel like the countdown to Christmas really begins now (even though I don't feel festive at all.

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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