#TheBloggersHub (Blogmas Day Nine)

by - 15:25

Hello You Lovely Lot!

So today I found out something super exciting! I am now part of the social media team for The Bloggers Hub!

 I saw a tweet a day or two ago asking if anyone was interested and I got in touch straight away because being part of something like this is something I'd love to do as a job or even just as a hobby for the rest of my life so this seems like the perfect place to start.

Of course, I can't do it all alone. We also have Sophie, Georgia, Abi, Rere and Joyce (and I think there could be a few more that have been added!) All of whom are girls who seem super lovely and girls who I'm so excited to have the pleasure of working with. I can't wait to follow their blogs and their lives and I hope they're excited to get to know me too!

The Bloggers Hub is a network created by the lovely Shanice that connects so many bloggers from all around the world and I am privileged to be a part of it. I'm so excited to find a load of new blogs and hopefully improve my own blog too.

You can find all of their social media :

Twitter : @thebloggershub_
Facebook : The Bloggers Hub
Instagram : @thebloggershub_

and the girls social media too...

Sophie : @GladwellSophie
Georgia : @GeorgiaRMK
Abi : @princess__abi
Rere : @MrsStassin
Joyce : @JustLynn__

and follow @thebloggershub_ too to meet any new girls who have been added since!

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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