Busted – Night Driver Tour 2017

by - 06:51

Hello You Lovely Lot!

Now, some of you may know that I am such a sucker for pop music. Some of you may also know that I love Busted. I have loved Busted for many a year and when they split up near one of my birthdays I was heartbroken. So, imagine my joy when they got back together, first with McFly, then all three of them on their own. I went to see them last year for their reunion tour and it was incredible. I can’t remember if I did a blog post about it or not but I definitely vlogged the whole experience. Busted and their music have followed me around (not literally, although I wouldn’t mind that) ever since they split up and so to hear all the old songs again was so incredible. On that tour we also got a sneak peak of their upcoming, at the time, album Night Driver (not that we knew that was what it was called at that point).

When the whole album came out I wasn’t sure about the whole thing. I knew it wasn’t going to be the Busted I knew because I’d heard a few songs from it already. I even did a review of the album here on my blog! The more I listened to it the more I fell in love and got used to the new Busted sound which I am now completely head over heels for. If you haven’t listened to the album it’s quite a retro feel I guess? It’s all quite electronic but don’t let that put you off because it put me off at first and now I can’t get enough. Go and give it a listen, honestly.

When I heard they were going on tour I knew I had to go. I immediately got in touch with my friend Gaby who I go to most concerts with and also Melanie who I know likes Busted! I got us tickets and I spent the next few months listening to the album and falling in love with it. I decided I would go to Rock City in Nottingham because that was easier for the other two and I also my way around Nottingham a lot more than Liverpool. Rock City is also one of my favourite venues and I was ecstatic that they were playing there rather than in arenas or stadiums.

And so, I went to Rock City and saw three of my favourite boys play loads of my favourite songs. If you’re curious about the set list then here it is!

Kids With Computers
Thinking of You
On What You’re On
Air Hostess
Night Driver
Without It
I Will Break Your Heart
Who’s David?
Sleeping With The Lights On
Crashed The Wedding
New York
Year 3000
What I Go to School For
Coming Home
Those Days Are Gone

When I first saw that I was ecstatic. There was more old songs that I had hoped for and the new songs were my favourites too! When I was going through their old albums I realise that there were other old songs that I would have loved to hear even though I heard them on the last tour (She Wants to Be Me, Dawsons Geek, Everything I Knew, Thunderbirds Are Go) but I was happy.

We were a few rows from the barrier which was incredible considering we didn’t start queueing until around 5! Of course, they were incredible. The atmosphere was so good and everyone was singing along and dancing. Normally I stay away from the barrier at Rock City (although normally when I go there it’s to see Frank Turner and his fans are a bit more violent shall we say) but this time it was incredible being there! Do you ever go to a concert and feel a bit awkward dancing? Because I know I do, but with these songs it was hard not to dance. They sounded just like they did on the CD, if not better and there was so much energy from the crowd and from James, Matt and Charlie themselves.

Obviously the old songs were incredible too. I’m not sure there was many people who weren’t singing along to the classics like Year 3000 and Crashed The Wedding. I feel like those songs (along with What I Go To School For obviously) are like the What Makes You Beautiful of the Busted world. I never listen to them in my spare time but when they’re played live it’s like I’ve never stopped listening to them. I must have said it at some point but 3AM is one of my favourite songs ever and obviously my favourite Busted song. U had the set list up on my phone to check when it was because I knew I would have to prepare myself. I’ve heard them play it live a few times now because they played it with McBusted and I saw them three times. Every single time I cry and I mean every single time. I don’t know what it is that gets me so emotional?! I mean, it’s not exactly a cheery song but I guess it’s just that I’ve known it for years and it’s always been my favourite so hearing it live just gets me. Well, I’m not one to disappoint so guess what I did when they played it? Only went and cried all the way through didn’t I? Of course I did. I think I’m quite lucky that my favourite Busted song is a popular one because I can normally rely on them to play it.

Overall it was just incredible. Melanie didn’t know any of the new ones but she still seemed to love it. I think we’re less than halfway through the tour now so if you can still grab tickets to the show nearest you and you like Busted or you used to like them then I would totally recommend going! Concerts are my happy place and this was definitely one to add to the list of my happiest moments.

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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  1. The set list sounds amazing, ahhh I'm so glad Busted are back! My inner child is screaming inside haha! :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)

    1. It was! My inner child and also my outer 20 year old screamed all the way through haha! xx
