REVIEW : NARS Copacabana Illuminator

by - 12:48

Hello You Lovely Lot!

I feel like it's been ages since I last wrote a blog post and I really have missed it! It's also been ages since I did a review so I thought I would grace you all with my words of wisdom (I'm not actually very wise...sorry).

So, the last review I did was also on a NARS makeup product but I can't help it that they're all so amazing! I have also mentioned this product before in a favourites but I think that it deserves a whole review of it's own. I have used it every single day since it arrived on my doorstop and I just thought I sing it's praises in a little blog post!

Of course I am talking about the...

NARS Copacabana Illuminator

I bought this product a few months ago and I was really anxious about spending that much money on a highlighter. This product is retailed at £23.00 on however I think I bought mine from ASOS. (I KNOW, ASOS DOES MAEKEUP...WOAH, RIGHT?!). I have heard SO many people hype and rave about this product and I'm sure you have too.

Before this highlighter I had only just started using the Sleek highlighter that came in the contour palette. Highlighting is a relatively new thing for me and I only started to do it because I started contouring and it came with the palette that I bought. However, I will now never be able to go back to not using a highlighter.

I have the liquid version and not the multiple stick. I haven't tried the multiple but I feel like it would just push my foundation around. If you've got the multiple of tried it feel free to let me know how you find it because I wanted to buy one that I could use as a blusher!

This highlighter just gives you such a glowy look without making you look like Edward Cullen (I don't know how many times I've made that joke but it's too many and that's all I know). However, I do think it's easy to put too much on. It is really build-able though so I just put a really small bit on and then add more until I'm satisfied. The fact that you only have to use a little bit means that it it going to last you a long time. If you want to see me using it then I made a 'Daily Makeup Routine' video for my YouTube which you can watch here. Considering I use mine every single day that I wear makeup, I've hardly made a dint in it. As a student, I know that money is a precious thing but I can promise you that this is worth the investment. My skin just looks so much healthier and dewey when I use it.

Hopefully you enjoyed this review and maybe even go and buy the product yourself. If you have a Space N.K Apothecary near you then I know that they stock NARS so you could even go in and ask for them to try it on you. Same with any Harvery Nichols and I'm sure there are other places that stock NARS!

Thanks For Reading!

Becky x

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